During the registration of a new company, the first blockchain key will be automatically activated by the CargoX Platform.
All additional blockchain keys, such as additional blockchain keys for the first user, or the blockchain keys of additional company users, must be manually approved by an existing user with an active blockchain key and proper permissions. Every time a new blockchain key is linked to an account belonging to your company, all users with proper permissions will receive a notification (on the platform and in email), reminding them that they can review and approve the newly added blockchain key.
To approve a user's blockchain key:
1Open the email and sign in
Click on the Approve new blockchain key in the received email from CargoX (New blockchain key needs to be approved) and sign in to the platform.
2Start activating the users' blockchain key
Activate their blockchain key by pressing the green Approve button next to the blockchain key you want to activate.
3Review the blockchain key
Review the details of the blockchain key you want to approve and click the green Next button.
4Get your blockchain key ready to digitally sign actions
Follow this guide to get your blockchain key ready to sign the action.