To access Company details click on the gear icon (⚙) | Company details.
1Company name
2Branch office (optional)
3Status of verification
5ZIP/Postal code + City
7CargoX ID number
Unique identifier number you are given by CargoX.
8National company registration number
Company's legal entity identifier or registration number, as found in the official national company registry (number is usually issued by the governmental authority in the country of incorporation).
9Company VAT number
10Company Ethereum (ETH) address
Clicking on the Reveal ETH address text will show you your full company’s public address, which is automatically assigned to each company in the registration process.
12Phone number
13Company logo
Set your company's logo (PNG, JPG or GIF formats only) by clicking on the camera icon.
14Edit company details
A user with Company manager permission can change company information by clicking on this button. Besides the visible company details you can also edit your DUNS, EORI, and LEI numbers.
15Copy company details
With this button you can copy all your important company information entered in CargoX.