What are delegations?
Delegations are a functionality that offers a company (principal) a way to be represented by another company (representative) in the process of transferring ACI electronic documents on the CargoX platform. In everyday business processing, this makes it possible for the representatives to fill out ACI documents on behalf of the principal. This is especially important for freight forwarders and agents acting as intermediaries in global trade. One principal can have multiple representatives, and one representative can file ACI documents for multiple principals. Nevertheless, two-level representation is not allowed – only the company designated directly by the principal can represent that principal, and they cannot pass the delegation to a third company.
Which parties are involved in the delegation process?
A company can be either a:
- principal: the actual exporter company, which another company represents. ACI filings are still sent on the principal’s behalf, but the actual ACI filing is done by another company (the representative).
- representative: the company which is sending the ACI envelope on the exporter’s (principal’s) behalf. ACI filing is still sent under the principal’s company name.
How to establish a principal/representative (delegation) relationship:
1Start the process (Principal)
Visit the gear icon (⚙) | Delegations and click on the green Invite representative button.
2Invite the representative (principal)
- Choose a company from your contact list to be your representative.
- Select who will be paying for the ACI envelope transfers (from whose account funds will be taken). The principal has the option to pay for the ACI transfers by themselves (Us) or they may choose the Representative to pay.
- Send the invite by clicking on the Invite representative button.
3Accept the invitation (representative)
The representative receives the invitation for the principal/representative (delegation) relationship. If the representative visits the gear icon (⚙) | Delegations and clicks the Accept button, the principal/representative (delegation) relationship is established, and the principal is notified.