Our General Terms and Conditions (GT&C) and Special Terms and Conditions (ST&C) are non-negotiable. They represent a contract/legal relationship between CargoX and users of our website and our services. If you have any questions, please consult your legal team.
Our terms were thoroughly vetted and finally approved by the international group of P&I clubs of London – the biggest maritime insurer worldwide. CargoX is only one of few companies across the globe with such approval, which confirms the clarity of said terms.
Please note that if you want to use the CargoX Platform, you have to accept GT&C and ST&C.
We will not conclude any additional contract with you, as this is not needed, nor is it legally acceptable to have two sets of terms and conditions and consequently two active agreements for one single relationship.
The General Terms and Conditions are available here, while the Special Terms and Conditions are available on the CargoX Platform. You can view and accept them when registering your account.