If you are experiencing an error while using the CargoX Platform, first please check whether you are using a supported web browser. The platform is compatible with Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari (also check if there are updates available). You should also delete the cookies in your browser before trying again.
If the problem persists, contact support@cargox.io for help. You can help us by attaching a screenshot (in PDF format) of the problem.
If you encounter an "Unknown error" message, or if we cannot reproduce the error you are getting, we ask you to send us the debug log information by doing the following:
1Reopen the browser
Close the browser and open one of the supported browsers again.
2Press F12
Press the F12 button on your keyboard so that the developer tools (debug screen) open in the right half of the browser.
3Edit console
1) Within the developer console section click to select the Console tab.
2) Maximize the console tab window by dragging the middle vertical line to the left to make the console window approximately half of the browser width.
If necessary, close other parts of the developer tools.
4Repeat the process on the CargoX Platform
Now sign into your CargoX account again, and repeat the same process that previously resulted in an error.
5Make a screenshot
Once you replicate the error, make a screenshot of the right part of the screen. If necessary, scroll down and make several screenshots, so that the whole message/console output is visible on screenshots.
6Contact CargoX
Describe your problem and send screenshots (in PDF format) to support@cargox.io.