DUNS, EORI, and LEI numbers are optional, but we strongly recommend that you enter them in your company details.
1DUNS number
A DUNS number is a unique, nine-digit identifier for a business created by the credit bureau Dun & Bradstreet. Dun & Bradstreet is one of the three major business credit bureaus. DUNS numbers have become the standard numbering system to identify businesses across the globe. You can check your company's DUNS number, or request one if you do not yet have it, at
2EORI number
An EORI number means an identification number, unique in the customs territory of the European Union, assigned by a customs authority to an economic operator or another person in order to register them for customs purposes.
3LEI number
The Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) is a unique global identifier for legal entities participating in financial transactions. Also known as an LEI code or LEI number, its purpose is to help identify legal entities on a globally accessible database.